Evil Mister Good Read online

Page 5

  “So do you feel prepared to fulfill your duties as Mother here when she is gone?”

  “It has only been a few months but I am well on my way sir.”

  “I know how long it’s been. But that’s not what I asked.” He says, taking his time slowly approaching Faith.

  She can feel the tingling sensation begin at the tips of her toes, like a thousand little pins pricking away at nerve endings.

  “Well Faith, are you not going to answer me? I thought you had grown in our time apart. I have to say you almost had me convinced. The way you came in, carrying yourself with some respect and pride. All qualities of woman. Far from the spoiled brat I had to put over my knee.

  But know now that I look deeper. I can see the curious little girl still peeking out from behind your eyes. Maybe you are not ready and I acted too hastily in my decision. You should go and pretend somewhere else.”

  “You have never been more wrong, especially about me. You don’t even know who I am. But I know you. You are the one who pretends to care. But do you think that collar will hide you from us seeing the real you? I may not have known why I was chosen for this life. But I accept it and its challenges because that’s what God would have me do. So to ask me if I think I am ready, the answer is simple. Yes…yes I am, regardless of whatever you think you may see.”

  “Who do you think you’re talking to, huh? Just because you have a few more pubic hairs, you dare speak to me as if you and I are equals? I assure you we are not. It’s past time you learn your place. You will today.” He says, with the vein in his temple throbbing.

  He takes his hand and brushes off the top of his desk onto the floor before turning his frustrations back to Faith.

  She quickly reaches for the knob, not before his arms circle around her waist. He picks her up and drags her back wrestling onto the sleek oak finished top.

  He straddles over her, sitting on her pelvis. He holds her in place with one hand strapped over her throat, devastating her control. Taking the other, he rips Faith free of the thin dress. Then prying his knee between Faith’s legs, he kicks them open and climbs between her damp quivering thighs. Taking her hard, perky nipple into his greedy mouth, he bites down hard, eliciting a deep throaty moan from her lips.

  She eagerly undoes his belt then reaches to unclasp the button on his slacks, making sure to palm his hardened cock along the way.

  Slipping out of her shoes, she glides her now bare feet up to his waistline. Using just her toes, she manages to squirm his pants down past his tight, muscled buttocks.

  He bumps the head of his engorged cock over her hard-sensitive bud. The sweet sensation causes ripples of pleasure throughout her body. Her pussy begins to throb with an ache that only he can soothe.

  She digs the bottoms of her heels into his fleshy backside. Pulling him closer with her legs, daring him to plunge inside. Poised at her entrance, he takes his time to purposely stretch her out, he can feel her warm, tight sheath engulfing him as he breaks through the thin barrier, taking her virginity. Her blood begins to hum in her veins as she rises to meet him thrust for thrust, feeling a swirling begin in her lower abdomen.

  Her trembling knees clamp his hips as she claws open the front of his shirt.

  His fevered skin now pressing against hers summons a molten tide of pleasure. His head buries into her shoulder. Her tongue feathering the vein in his neck as her back slides along the desktop in rhythm with every hard-deliberate deep intrusion. His husky grunts grow faster and faster as her tight walls squeeze him harder and harder.

  His balls tightening as he feels the tingling from his impending orgasm move over his body. Her hips moving faster beneath him. Her moans becoming louder, more guttural, as her climax takes control. With one last plunge into her soaking heat, he cums, filling her with his seed. He wastes no time crawling off Faith.

  “Now that you are a woman, act like one. I will no longer tolerate girlish behavior, is that clear?”

  “Yes Father.”’

  “Good… there is a clean habit in the bottom drawer. Get dressed and see to the bloody puddle you have left on my desk. I have a busy schedule to keep, as do you. So, once you’re done show yourself out.” Mason says, running his finger over her cheek before quickly fixing his clothes and leaving Faith to it.

  Doing as she was ordered, she couldn’t hostage the grin that cut from ear to ear.

  No more than she had fallen asleep, Faith is suddenly startled awake. Her breath prisoner in the cellar of her throat as she springs up in bed. Her eyes barely able to stay open, she quickly scans over the dark room.

  “Who’s there?” She calls out from the covers while clenching her pillow tightly.

  But no one answers. Maybe it was just her conscious stirring around, but Faith had no time for its nonsense now. It was the middle of the night and she was eager to get back to sleep.

  Nuzzling into the warm indentation in the mattress, the sound of the bare bottoms of feet scuffing over the slab floor pry her eyes open once more. She is quickly met with a hand cupping over her mouth.

  “You will not scream if you really want to know what happen to Emily.” Jessy whispers. With her hand still covering Faith’s mouth, she places her finger in the crevasse of her lip in a shushing motion.

  “She left and that is all there is to know. Now I really need to get some rest for tomorrow and you should too.”

  “You don’t even realize that you are becoming her.”

  “I suggest you get back to bed before you force me to report this to Hope.”

  “They killed her Faith! I seen them do it. Or are you so brainwashed you don’t care about the truth?”

  “Who killed her?”

  “You know who! Do I really need to say his name?”

  “Yes Jessy, I want to hear you say it.”

  “Moderator Carmine.”

  “You have gone insane. Forget the fact he is only second in line to be Pope but what reason would he have to do harm to Emily? Listen to yourself. You are making no sense.”

  “You have no idea where you are do you? Or what you’re becoming? This is nothing but a whore house and we…we are nothing more than the whores that occupy its filthy, secret existence, even you!”

  “I will not stand for this another minute! I will not be woken up so that you may insult me. This is your last warning. Return to your room and don’t breathe one word of this to anyone! They will surely have you committed. Do you hear me? Not one word!”

  “Take a good look around, especially in the garden. Then tell me I’m the one that is crazy.” Jessy says, vanishing into the darkness, leaving Faith to think about what she had said.


  Her yawns couldn’t be kept hidden behind the worn leather binds of her bible. She found it nearly impossible to go back to sleep with Jessy creeping around the halls in the middle of the night. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stray her thoughts away from the garden.

  It was ludicrous to even listen or even believe Jessy for that matter. Truth is, she was nothing but damaged goods at this point. It was a far reach, but Faith couldn’t deny something was off.

  “Faith! Did you hear the news? “Beth asks.

  Faith’s first thought was Jessy had ignored her friendly warning and blabbed to Beth. Why wouldn’t she, how could she share a cell and not tell her. Nonetheless, Faith grins up from the pages and play’s along.

  “What news would that be?” She asks.

  “A new girl just arrived! How could you not tell me we were getting fresh meat?”

  “This is the first I’ve heard of it. And please don’t call the new Sister fresh meat. Stay here and show people in for mass.” She says, laying the scripture to rest on the pew next to her. She had to see the new addition to the cloth with her own two eyes.

  It was no task finding her, she just had to follow the uncontrollable sobbing. It wasn’t that long ago when Faith stood in the very same shoes as the new girl’s shoes.

  “I ta
ke it from the welcome bag this is your first day. Where are my manners? I am Faith.”

  She is absolutely stunning. Her brown curly hair slinked over her narrow shoulders. Her large brown eyes were shaped with dangerous intent. It would be easy to fall victim to her glare. Faith didn’t see another friend. She saw competition.

  “I’m Joy. Where am I?” she sniffles.

  “I know you have a lot of questions but for now all that I can tell you is that you are in a safe place.

  A holy place. I am here if you need anything at all. With that said, it is best to get out of your gown and into proper attire before Mother Hope returns.

  You don’t want to keep the Father waiting.” She says, leaving Joy to dress.

  She couldn’t believe it, Jessy was right. She was becoming like Hope.

  “When did this happen.” She thought to herself.

  On que, the quick clicks of the Mothers heels hammering into the tile floor can be heard approaching. The clicks come to a rest in front of Faith.

  “I see that you have met Joy. Isn’t she just splendid? They will just love her, don’t you think?” Hope asks.

  “I’m sorry, but who will love her?” Faith replies.

  “It’s just a matter of time now before you will find out. OH, and before I forget, you will share your room with Jessy. Poor girl has become so withdrawn. But who better than you to bring her back to the fold.”

  “I wish that I had half the confidence in myself that you clearly do. However I feel she may too far gone to reach. What happened to cause her bury inside her own self?” Faith asks.

  “I’m not sure what you are implying, but I warn you to not ask questions when you yourself are not ready to hear the answers. You have been given a task but it is nothing short of a test.

  And there will be an exam on your loyalty and trust. Do not fail.”

  “ Am I not already set up to fail? Do you not think that I don’t listen to the whispers and the secrets that echo through these halls? They are like quiet mice that stay hidden but gnaw at the walls. I may not see them, but I do hear them.”

  “Well someone has awoken on the wrong side of the bed. Take caution in letting your mouth speak what your mind has not yet comprehended. I have not even heard one ounce of gratitude grace your lips for gifting you with your first Purpose.

  Now return to mass and think of a way you can show me how deeply appreciative you are for this opportunity. Carry on your way.” Hope says.

  Faith indeed was not grateful for the chore of babysitting Jessy. Hope had done nothing more then put a bow on a broken toy and called it new. But what could she do? Who was she to question her assignment?

  “I take it that you are all moved in?” Faith asks.

  Slamming shut the dresser drawer, she spins around towards Faith.

  “Look, I don’t want to be here no more than you want me to be. But here we are. So, do us both a favor and wipe away the shitty rehearsed grin from you face. This will only be temporary. Until then, stay out of my way.”

  “ Let’s just put it all out on the table. I understand. I really do. But I am not the enemy here. I look forward to our time together, no matter how short or long it maybe. And if I were you, I would make do with what you have.”

  “This coming from someone who turned her back on me when I confided in you. You are just like the rest. But why am I telling you something you already know.”

  “For someone who hasn’t had anything to say for months, suddenly has a lot to spill. It’s easy for you to point the finger of assumption at me. But at least I am trying. Trying to make the best of a less than perfect situation.”

  “Trying? Oh, you mean spreading your legs open like a blooming flower for the Father to pick away your petals. Are you that naive to believe you are the only one? I wasn’t even good and settled in before I was bent over some pew with his cock buried deep inside me. I dripped with him from my thighs for days. Do you think you are special? Guess what? You’re not. Because eventually, you will be a puppet like the rest of us.”

  “You’re not at all crazy are you? No, the stench of jealousy comes from you like bitter perfume. It’s all becoming much clearer now. The ridiculous story, a cheap ploy to turn me against the only family that I have left. Well I won’t be played against Mason, nor the mother for that matter. I strongly recommend you lay to rest this foolishness at once before it’s too late.”

  “Mason? First name basis with the Father, are we? And jealous I am not. Because I know what lies and waits for you. He breaks you in and tosses you to the wolves, like fresh meat that he tasted first.”

  “Seriously, I don’t know why I even bother. Don’t get too comfortable, cause you’re not staying. I will see to that.”

  “Holier than thou you are. But let’s see if you are still humble when you find yourself pinned beneath a stranger and he is painfully pounding away at everything you believed in until it’s no more than just rubble that can be hidden by a casual sweep under the rug. Then that very second you realize the terrible truth. You were nothing more than a sacrifice God seen fit to forsake when you cried out his name. Like he did Emily. Then let’s see which side of the line your newfound loyalty falls on.

  Now run…run to the Evil Mister Good and offer up the tainted fruit that rots with his seed to get what you want. Just remember it will eventually seek and find you but then, unfortunately, it will be too late for you, my dear Faith.”

  How could she respond to her accuser? Faith couldn’t run to anyone. At least not without seeming weak. She had no other choice but to sit silent and wage on. Prove not only to God but to herself she was strong enough to guide Jessy back for the greater good. How was what she had to figure out.

  “Whether you like it or not, I am your friend. If you want to fight me every inch of the way, so be it. But I will not give up on you and we will get to the bottom of this together. As for now, I will leave you to tend to your business, but this conversation is far from over. Take as much time as you need to calm down. Until then, I will let Mother know you need the day to cozy in. For now we must agree to disagree.”

  It took everything for Faith to set aside their personal differences. But she hoped that something, if not but only one word she said, nested with Jessy. Then that was at least a good place to start. She would need to tread carefully if she wanted to gain back Jessy’s trust.

  “You sent for me Father?”

  Watching from his window, his back facing towards Faith.

  “Come in and shut the door.” He says.

  “Am I in trouble?” Faith asks.

  “Depends. How are things coming along with Jessy?”

  “Well it’s been just a few weeks. But she is slowly improving.”

  “Slowly is unacceptable. I just received word from the Vatican that the highest of priests, our Pope St. Carlo III, will be touring the States in a few weeks. He has sent notice that he has every intention on using us for refuge.

  So, whatever the holdup may be, I suggest you find it and correct it before his arrival. Is that understood?”

  “Yes Father. It’s not easy though. She sees me as a foe more than a friend. It has put a bit of strain on her rejoining the normal.”

  “I didn’t ask you to explain yourself, nor why you are failing at the task you have been assigned. I do apologize if I made it seem like it was a choice to accomplish at your leisure. It is not. You have two weeks.”

  “Yes Father.”

  “Now to address your actions today. You will never make an excuse for your lack of success.” He says turning to Faith. Reaching into his pocket he digs through the jingling carnage pulling a single dime from out of the debris of lint.

  “In my desk, top drawer is a pair of handcuffs. Bring them to me.” He orders.

  Doing as she is told, she grazes the tip of her finger over the stainless steel bracelets. In her eagerness, she feels her excitement start to drizzle down her thighs.

  “Do you trust me?” Mason asks.
/>   “Yes of course.”

  “Place your hands behind your back.”

  Without hesitance, she does so willingly.

  Binding her fragile wrist together, he centers the dime on the wall. Holding it in place, he directs Faith to put her nose against it.

  “Do not let it touch the floor.” He commands.

  The cold introduction of the point of her nose meeting the coin instantly hardens her nipples.

  “There is a beginning and an ending. You start a task. You finish a task. Results, Faith, that is what excites me, not apologies.”

  Cozying in behind her, his strong lips circle the top of the smooth skin of her neck. His methodical kisses retracing their steps as if he memorized every pleasurable moaning path that made her long for more. His callused palms trace her petite outline until his thumbs reach the dimples in her hips. As if they belonged. He slightly tugs at them until they’re where he wants them. And without even a goodbye, his touch leaves her to her quivering knees. Unbuttoning his slacks, he crumples them down around his ankles. Without being told she inches her legs apart.

  His fingers find the flowing fountain between her thighs and he swirls them around until they are good and wet. Then taking his moistened fingers, he polishes them over the length of his cock. Taking the other hand, he separates her pussy lips and wedges his girthy staff between them. But Faith’s ragged pants can’t hide the sound of the subtle chime of the dime hitting the floor then wobbling before resting along the slab foundation. He pauses and looks down where the coin lays and pulls out slowly.

  “Turn around and look at me. What did I tell you? I was very specific. Do not let it hit the floor.

  How will you ever learn if you do not listen? Now get on your knees and suck me clean. Not one tooth will graze over it. Is that simple enough for you to understand?”

  Faith nods and does as the Father instructed her to do.

  Resting his hands at the center of the back of her head he inches her towards him. The corners of her mouth stretch to delicately shape around the soft tip of his penis. Her tongue proceeds with caution. Treading along the large pulsating vein in his stiff cock before taking it into the warm fleshy depths of her cheek.