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Evil Mister Good Page 6
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Page 6
Slipping him further and further past her lips until she can feel him throbbing at the back of her throat with every gliding stroke. He takes a fist full of her hair, as if to control Faith’s throttle, reminding her that he is still at the wheel and she is nothing more than a passenger. She can feel him growing, filling up every inch of her orifice. Brushing against the roof of her mouth before her sense of taste are lit aflame by his fiery sap bursting down her narrow gorge and gagging her on the continued rushing tide that clings to her tonsils. Removing his still erect cock, he pulls up his pants. Faith can feel him drip from the crevasses of her lips, the overflow turning from balmy to chill.
Helping Faith up to her feet, he takes a key from his trouser pocket and unlocks the restraints from her bruised wrists. They had gone numb so she couldn’t even feel where the metal had cut into her skin.
“I do hope you will follow direction better when we meet again. Remember you have two weeks. Do not let me down again.”
“I won’t Father! I promise!”
“You’re not doing it standing there. Wipe your mouth and get to it.”
“How was your visit with Mason?” Jessy asks, taking up the empty space on the bed next to Faith.”
“Could you at least try to make your sarcasm less obvious?”
“My apologies, it just seems to flow from me like the good Fathers leftovers from between your knees. You still reek of his aftershave by the way.”
“As much as I do relish in your crude little attempts to entice me into a battle of wits, in which I would clearly win by default, I do not have the patience nor the time. The Po…”
“The Pope is coming. I heard. Mother spilled the news already. But I guess you missed that. Judging by your wrist, you were tied up with other things.”
Quickly Faith pulls down her sleeves to hide her abrasions.
“Surely there’s a valid reason for you to have chosen me to bother out of everyone else?”
“Actually, there is. I just saw Hope heading in to see the Father. We must hurry. I need you to come with me I have something to show you.”
“Must I really?”
“Yes, while there’s still time.” She says, leading Faith to the garden.
“You know we are not supposed to be out here until Spring. I’m going back in before someone catches us.”
“Wait. Look over there.” She says, pointing at the slight speck of fresh dirt.
“I came and you showed. Are you happy? Now can we go back inside?”
“Look closely. That is where they put Emily. I see her every night, you know? As if she’s haunting me. Torturing me because I stood by and did nothing to save her. I can’t just stand to the side anymore. I can still save her.”
“And just how do you propose to do that? When she is where she wants to be. Living the life, she chose?”
“But she isn’t. I can prove it. And I will. And then when Carlo comes I will show him the hell this place really is.
“Where’s your proof?
“Right there. I just have to dig for it.”
“Do you even hear what you are saying? They won’t just lock you away. They will bury you beneath the asylum. Is that what you want? Because if so, you are on your way, but you are not taking me with you.”
“That evening, I didn’t let her stray too far from my peripheral. I did as she did. Carefully tracing her every step. When she smiled, I smiled. When she laughed, I laughed.
If she didn’t mind the Moderators occasional curious hand slipping into the dip of her lower back, then neither did I. She seemed to unknowingly encourage it at times, but she knew exactly what she was doing. We both did. Engaging in harmless misguided signals here and there. Taking the tip of my finger and accidently grazing it over the top of his. I could feel his erection rubbing against his trousers. But we only did what we were instructed to do.
I guess it would be untruthful for me to pretend we didn’t want it. I wouldn’t want to lead you to believe we were naively forced against our wills. Even you know better than that. We desperately craved for all of their undivided filthy attention. The way their tongues sang their praises of our beauty was like crowbars prying apart our legs, as if there were some hidden treasure stowed away under our very skirts. They couldn’t wait to sample us. It was just a matter of time before they got their taste too. They fondled and groped and chased us around like teenage horny boys with only one thing on their dirty little minds.
We were quickly guided up the spiral staircase. You know the one that had been forbidden until that night? Emily and I glanced at each other one last time before disappearing down our separate paths.
I remember thinking of her as I laid there beneath the heavy Cardinal. His salty sweat drizzling over me like a mild spring shower. His heavier pants and quick paced heaves suggested I was no more than that of a hard day’s work for him.
He quickly came and barely scraped up the energy to climbed down from on top of me before snoring. I saw it as an opportune time to make my escape and I took it. I raced to get dressed, careful to not wake him. I grabbed the corner of the sheet and wiped his Holiness from my inner thighs. I found myself standing in the middle of the hall with nowhere to go.
Then the sound of subtle but rapid thuds of a headboard against the wall beckoned me to one of the rooms. So I followed. I eased my shoulder against the door while turning the knob, propping it open enough to satisfy my curiosity.
He had one hand over Emily’s mouth, stifling her groaning pleas. And the other around her throat. She was struggling to breath under his palm.
Thrusting his pelvis that much harder against hers as if it turned him on to watch her suffer. He carried on, continuing to punish her with deep grunting humps. Like he wanted to hurt her.
I just stood there and watched as her spirit choked from her body. Her eyes growing darker and darker until all the warmth was gone. All that was left was a cold empty gaze that didn’t stop him from climaxing.
Suddenly footsteps hurried up the steps and forced me to hide under a shadow of an archway across the hall. I prayed for God to put his hand over me and Emily too.
Father and Hope entered and exited shortly thereafter, carrying Emily’s remains wrapped within the cum stained covers. I chased behind them until ending up behind that tree. Mother gathered a shovel and a water hose from the tool shed. Hope dampened the hardened ground and he dug. Tossing aside the loose dirt until the grave was finished and Emily was in it. I remember thinking how the earth was unwillingly an accomplice to murder.”
A sudden lump finds its way into the pit of Faiths throat and barricades her voice underneath it.
“Please say something.” Jessy begs.
“I don’t know what to say.” Faith answers.
“Say that you believe me and that I can count on you for help.”
“I hope for all of our sakes you are wrong and that you are every bit as insane that I think you are. But I will help if this means getting to the bottom of this. But I need something from you. You have to stop drawing unwanted attention to yourself and me until we can figure this whole thing out.
Now let’s get in before we end up in hole too.”
“Throwing up again?” Jessy asks, barging into the small tight confines of the bathroom stall.
“It’s nothing. A stomach bug. I’m sure it will pass soon.”
“The Pope is coming tomorrow. What are we going to do? Time is running out and fast. We are no closer to the truth then we were two weeks ago! I have lived up to my end of our deal. Prancing around here, being the good little sheep, going with the flow of the flock. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you are purposely putting this off.”
“I understand you are upset but hurling hollow accusations doesn’t get us any closer.
Its more complicated than finding just a misplaced shoe or cufflinks. And I haven’t heard a single suggestion worth giving a second thought to from you.”
“I’m sorry, but you seem to not give
much thought to anything but yourself lately. I told you what we had to do and you quickly dismissed it as silliness. A fit of insanity. Remember?”
“Well I do apologize if digging up a supposed grave isn’t at the top of my list.
Considering we are never out of sight from watchful eyes. There has to be a better way.”
“It’s the only way. I think you are just scared of what you may find laying beyond the lilacs. If you won’t help me then I will have no choice but to seek it elsewhere.
“That’s not that terrible of an idea actually.”
“I knew it. We had an agreement and now that you got what you wanted I am left holding the bag. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you.”
“Shut up and listen! Don’t you see? We need extra hands.”
“What do you mean? Can we trust them?”
“Yes, especially if they don’t know that they are helping us.”
“I can hear the grinding wheels turning in that mind of yours. What are you thinking?”
“I know it’s hard for you, but you will just have to trust me. I will fill you in on the details when I have them. Until then, we better get to our chores before they suspect something and come looking for us.”
Snapping her fingers, Hope calls over Faith and Jessy to join Beth and Joy.
“How nice of you to join us. As today marks the official eve of St. Carlo III visit, I must say I’ve never been prouder than I am of this group of girls and the work you have all accomplished. But there is still so much to be done. Joy, you come with me, the Father is waiting. The rest of you, let’s not drag your feet.” Hope orders.
Picking up a mop and a bucket of soapy water, Faith begins to swab the foyer floor. It isn’t long before Jessy curiously works her way over to the hard-slaving Faith.
“It’s eating you alive. I can see it scribbled across your face.” She says, wiping a dry rag along the baseboard. “You can’t fool me.”
“Really? It’s almost impossible to see what I am actually doing under these dim lit conditions.”
“Don’t be coy with me. You know what I’m talking about. You mean to tell me you haven’t gave it one itsy bitsy thought? She’s so young and pretty. Like a brand-new toy not yet played with. Unlike you and I. But she won’t be so new after he’s done with her. God only knows what he’s doing to her this very minute. Or worst, what he’s having her do to him.”
“I hate to disappoint you, but surely you don’t think I’m that immature to worry myself sick over something that doesn’t concern me nor you. And you would be wise not let it distract you either. We have bigger things to be concerned about. Wouldn’t you agree, or have you forgotten?”
“How could I forget. You can play that innocent card all you want but just know I’m calling your bluff. But I will leave you to your work, as long as you haven’t lost sight of the larger task. That man is just as guilty. He might as well have strangled her himself.”
“Thank you, but I don’t need to be reminded of what awaits us. Now get busy before someone notices us talking. Oh, and for the love of the All Mighty, wet your cloth so at least it appears that you are actually doing something useful.” Faith says, returning her focus to the dingy grout.
Jessy was right. She couldn’t lie to herself. She desperately wanted nothing else more than to hate him for what he and Mother Hope had done to Emily. But the thought of what was taking place behind his closed door bothers her more. It’s as if it was repeatedly stabbing at her chest. Slowly twisting and slicing its double-edged blade until piercing her very heart. She was powerless. There was nothing she could do now, except to eagerly watch and wait from behind the barrier of her wooden handle.
Joy silently blends in with the others. Modestly fixing the bottom of her habit until it lies in its proper place. Still wearing the wrinkles in its fabric where it had once been bunched up to its core.
Faith quickly reaches for a rag from the pile and takes Joy aside.
“Go clean yourself up before someone else notices the blood trickling from your inner thigh down to the top of your ankle.” Faith says.
“Yes Mother.” Joy says.
“Don’t call me that. Don’t ever call me that. Do you understand me? Go wash up.”
It wasn’t like Faith was the first and she sure wouldn’t be the last. After all, she already knew about the others. Joy just seemed to force her eyes wide open. And in her awakening, the question arose, how long was it until she herself would be passed around as if she was nothing more than a collection plate?
“Let’s go over it one more time.” Faith says.
“We’ve been through it a hundred times already. I got it. I know what to do.”
“I just don’t want any surprises tonight. Everything has to go to plan.”
“Are you having second thoughts?” Jessy asks.
Faith could feel the butterflies gnawing at her insides. The gloomy haze of uncertainty hanging over her weary head. She wasn’t just scared, she was absolutely terrified, but she quickly tucks it inside and answers.
“No. You?”
“No but it’s not like I have much of choice, now do I? Emily will see to that.”
“Patience is a virtue Sister. Keep your eyes open and your mouth closed. With everyone on edge we don’t want to arise any suspicion. Not the least bit. It will all be over soon.”
“Speaking of edge, here comes your chance.”
“Say a prayer for me. I’ll see you back here in a bit.” Faith says, looking back over her shoulder before chasing after Hope.
“Mother, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?”
“Of course but do try to keep up. I don’t have time to wait for you. St. Carlo is a very needy man and apparently I’m no more than his personal servant.”
“That’s what I wanted to speak to you about. I haven’t been feeling well today and was wondering if it would be okay to stay in from the Popes welcoming service tonight? I wouldn’t want to pass it on.” Pausing in mid step, Mother Hope turns to Faith and cups her face with her hands and looks into her eyes.
“You do look a little flush and paler than typical. I do hope it isn’t the flu.”
“Just a little stomach a bug. Nothing some rest couldn’t cure.”
“Father won’t be pleased in your absence, but he will manage. Will there be anything else?”
“Just one other thing Mother. Jessy has been of great comfort today in my time of illness, would you mind terribly if she stayed behind as well to care for me?”
Hesitant at first, Hope reaches out grabbing a hold of Faiths firm swollen breast squeezing and fondling.
“I see she let you go at the dirty work alone. Fine. Two options are better than none, I suppose. That is unless you require the services of Beth and Joy too? I did not think so. Now if there won’t be anything else may I go?”
“Yes, Mother. Thank You for your most gracious clemency.”
“Save it. You both owe me one. Get to bed, I’ll check in on you in a bit.”
“Well, how did it go?” Jessy asks.
“Phase one and two completed.”
“So, what now, we just sit here on our hands?”
“Lower your voice. If they find out what we are up to they will surely stone us both.”
“I hadn’t thought of what might happen to us if we are caught.”
“Don’t start now. Stay focused and take deep breathes. We’ve come too far to turn back now.”
The sudden 3 slow tolls of the service bell rings throughout the empty halls. Faiths eyes shifts towards Jessy.
“It’s time.” Faith says.
“Then let’s get to it.” Jessy says.
Their heads peek around every corner. Each step is taken with caution until reaching the Fathers office door.
“I’m scared!” Jessy says with her teeth chattering away.
“ Th
ey are much too busy with the Pope to notice us. I’ll be right here. Get in there and get what we came for. Look at me Jessy. We can’t do this without that tool shed key. Right hand side drawer. Remember in and out.”
Jessy nods and turns the knob. The slow creak of the wooden door opening cradles her inside. Closing it behind her, Faith stands guard at the entrance. Her chest tightens and her breaths grow rapid. Come on, Jessy! Faith repeats over and over in her head as if Jessy could actually hear her pleas. Then the familiar screech of the worn hinges and Jessy emerges from the dark.
“Got it!” She whispers holding up the key.
Reaching the little eerie shack that sits at the edge of the garden, the hair rises along their arms. Carefully taking the key, Faith slowly twists the tumbler until the click of the lock unlatching springs it open. Quickly she gathers a shovel. Touching the handle that buried Emily sent a paralyzing shiver surging down her spine that brings her to a dead still in her tracks.
“You okay?” Jessy asks.
“Yeah I just need minute.”
“You rest. I’ll take it from here.” Jessy says, quickly prying the spade from Faiths grip. Going straight to work beneath the faint orange glow of the well lit steeple, she plunges the blunt point into the cold rock hard ground. The sound of metal chiming against the occasional rock summons an array of goose bumps covering over Faiths body.
“I found something!” Jessy says.
There inside the shallow hole a slither of a floral print sheet emerges from the earth.
“Keep going!” Faith says.
Suddenly they become trapped under a shadow.
“Beth? What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“We just wanted to pick a few apples for a fresh celebrational pie. A surprise from all of us.”
“That’s funny, apples grow on trees not in the ground.”