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Evil Mister Good Page 4
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Page 4
As if it belonged at the tip of her tongue all along. Meant to be chanted in a panting outcry for more.
Using one hand, she grips one side of the wood top and braces herself. Taking the other, she slides it up the inside of her dress until landing in the saturated spot between her legs. She starts with slipping just a finger inside her slippery unshaven vagina. Sprawling her feet further apart, she wedges a second inside. Pausing for a moment, she takes a deep breath before edging deeper. Until she reaches her knuckles. Slowly she begins to thrust her fingers in and then out.
Sauntering her thumb over her clit, her legs tense under the disciplined stroking of her fingertips.
“Oh Mason, you’re making me cum.” She pants.
She pins her knees together and her precise strumming becomes harder and faster.
Gritting her teeth, she bears down her grip on the ledge of the tabletop. Her sense of balance becomes wobbled as gratification flows through every inch of her adolescent body.
Mustering just enough strength to crawl into bed, she waits anxiously for Emily, and the story she will have.
As Faith’s eyes flutter to open in the mornings relentless glare through her window, she quickly realizes she had fallen asleep. She springs up and instantly looks over to find Emily’s not there and her bed hadn’t been slept in either. She scurries to get dressed, she needs to find her and hear about her evening. But her privacy is suddenly invaded upon by Mother Hope standing in the doorway holding an empty box.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. My God you’re pale as paper. Are you feeling alright Faith?”
Hope asks, resting the back of her hand against Faith’s head.
“Yes Mother. But I am worried about Emily. Her bed hasn’t been slept in.”
Hope immediately begins to gather Emily’s blankets and sheets placing them into the box along with her brush and gown.
“What are you doing? Those are Emily’s things.” Faith asks.
Hope takes a deep sigh and breaks from packing.
“I am sorry to be the one to inform you of the news, but Emily has decided to leave us. Although it is unfortunate, these things do happen.”
Faith is at a loss for words by what she is told. It didn’t make sense. The last time she saw Emily she was content and adjusting to her new life here. Plus, she wouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye. Or would she? Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Emily wasn’t happy here at all and it was just an act. But she couldn’t help but feel saddened. In just a short time, she had grown very attached to Emily. And now she was gone. Just like everyone she has ever cared for.
Wrapping her arm around Faith, Hope swaddles her closely against her breast.
“People come and go, and Sisters are no different. We have the duty of searching for the positive in every situation. You may have lost a friend, but you have gained a room all to yourself now. So, it’s best to not give her another thought. She will be fine wherever she goes. Besides, we have guests that need tended to and the day must go forward. Time doesn’t stop for no one, not even you, my dear Faith. Maybe speaking to the Father will correct any concerns you may have. How would that be?
I will see to it that he finds a moment out of his busy schedule to see you today.
As for now, turn that frown upside down and join the others for devotional. I will send for you afterwards.”
The Mother was right. There was nothing she could do now, it was out of her hands. She was once again on her own but she was comfortable with being alone. After all, it was all she has known. It had made her stronger.
Tucking her bible in the pit of her arm, she leaves Hope to her work and heads to the garden to find Beth and Jessy. But it is only Beth on her knees praying under a large shade tree.
As she kneels down beside her, Beth takes a breath of relief. “Thank the Lord you’re okay.”
Curious, Faith looks around and asks, “Where’s Jessy?”
“She is ill and in bed resting.”
“What do you mean she is ill?”
“Nothing that God can’t heal. We must remember His word in our trials.” “Wherever there is two or more gathered in His name He is there.”
“Join me. We must pray for Jessy’s recovery and for Emily. That she finds her way safely back to us.”
Faith can’t ignore the sick feeling that’s tugging at her insides. Something is terribly wrong. She can’t just sit back and stomach it any longer. She wasn’t going to wait for Mason to fit her in. He was going to see her now.
She treads to the Fathers office, defying Hope’s petition to stop. Her knuckles urgently thud hard against his wooden door before showing herself in.
“Where is Emily? I demand to know this very minute!” She commands.
Faith’s disregard for manners doesn’t shake Mason from his calm composure.
Hope quickly chases in after Faith and grabs her by the arm.
“I’m sorry father. I will deal with this one. Come! You have some explaining to do Sister” Hope says.
Slapping his hand on the top of his desk.
“Shut up and let her go. I am more than capable of dealing with her on my own. Now leave us be and see that we are not disturbed!”
“But Father, the Cardinal and …”
“Did I stutter Sister?”
“No sir.”
As the door closes his focus falls back to Faith.
“Do you know what your problem is? You are a spoiled brat and lack discipline. You have been spared the rod and now it falls in my hands to correct it.”
Getting up from his desk, he walks over to Faith, as if he’s sizing her small frame up before taking his place behind her. Suddenly Faith is taken off guard as his arm snakes over her shoulder. Before she has time to pull away, his large fingers fasten onto her throat. She gasps.
Desperately dashing her hands to his, in hopes of prying loose his unforgiving grip. He is too strong to resist.
He tows her in, her back thumping against his chest.
He takes his time grazing his nose along the side of her face, as if he was sniffing his way towards Faith’s ear.
“I am not amused by your behavior. I warned you not to test me and you did it anyway. But maybe this is what you want?” He repositions his clutch to the back of her neck. He uses his free hand to unlatch his belt and slides it out past the loops of his slacks.
Using his thumb and finger, he burrows them into her skin. Making it easier to control Faith as he steers her towards the roll around chair.
Resting into the seat, he slides to the edge and pulls Faith down over his knee.
Crying and pleading, Faith begs to be shown mercy. “Please don’t, I will be good.”
In a sarcastic like chuckle, Mason says. “You had your chance. Now woman up and take the medicine you have coming.”
With strap in hand, he crumples up the bottom of her dress taunting the strap over her bare butt. Trying to squirm loose, he traps her down between his forearm and lap. His wrath begins to rain down over her ass.
His new leather belt cutting into Faith’s back side with every swing. The swift swarm swats are narrated between whippings. “You…will…obey! Do you hear me?” He asks, trying to speak over the cracking lashes.
Faith had lost count before being turned loose and dumped onto the hard tile floor.
Coming to his feet, he stands over Faith and glides the strap back around his waist.
“Lose the tears, you got exactly what you came for.”
He turns his back to Faith and walks over to his window.
Quickly she rushes up from the floor.
“How dare you!” She screams.
Spinning him around, she slaps the smirk from his lips. Quickly he catches her jaw in the palm of his hand and puts her firm against the wall.
“No. How dare you! Apologize!”
But Faith, baring her teeth down, remains silent. She continues to stare deep into his eyes.
His pati
ence wearing thin, he demands once more.
“I said apologize!”
Dead locked, he leans in and licks a tear from her cheek.
Holding her in place with one hand, he takes the other abrasively massaging her between the thighs. Faith frantically fondles for his zipper, unleashing his cock from his briefs. She takes his smooth hard staff into her tight fist with scathing strokes. Rushing his tongue into her mouth, her groans hum against his soft lips.
“Oh Mason.”
The Father suddenly pulls way.
“Get out!” He shouts, pointing to the door.
Faith covers her mouth and flees from his office.
He turns back to the overlook, sniffing his moist fingertips, and takes a deep breath.
“Maybe it is I who is weak. Give me the strength and patience with this one is all that I have asked and yet you mock me. Dangling her in front of me. Teasing me to taste the forbidden fruit.”
Kneeling down next to Emily’s bed, Faith places her head in the center of the bare mattress. Brushing her hands over the empty spot where Emily once slept. If Faith tried hard enough, she could smell her scent soiling the box springs, but a sudden sweet aroma of the Mother’s perfume spoils the moment. Her presence is felt as she sits on the edge of the bed.
“Self-pity is like a weight around the ankle in a pool of water. Tugging and pulling until it drags you under. Not even God can save you then. She’s not coming back. The quicker you realize that, the better off you will be. Let her go. Look to what’s ahead of you Faith, and not so much at what’s behind you. Today is a new day and she may not be here, but I am, and I will not let you derail in your journey.”
She say’s, twirling Faith’s curly hair in between her slender fingers.
Lifting her head, Faith speaks.
“I was responsible, and I let her down. How can I forgive myself for that?”
“Somethings are just not meant to be. It is not that you let her down, she let you down. She let us all down. She was weak but you …you are not.” Hope says, inviting Faith to join her in the vacant place on the mattress. Hesitant at first, she was not sure if she could even sit straight with the throbbing still pulsing through her bottom. But Mother lures her off the floor with a dinner roll from her pocket. Faith was sore but not too hungry to accept her offer. Welcoming her up with her hand in Faith’s lower back, she uses her fingers to ease the untrusting tension with her soothing strokes.
“Look at me. I’m not like your mother and father. And I am not Emily. I won’t leave you. We won’t leave you. We only want what’s best for you and the other girls. Even if you don’t see it that way now, you will eventually see it and receive it. Now, there’s no use in moping around here, focusing on what you could’ve done. You should be concentrating on the things you can still do. After all, you know what they say about idle hands? They will do the work for the Devil if they are not keeping busy with the works of God. So, get dressed and ready for mass in fifteen.” Mother says, tilting her head forward. Her plump glossy lips seeking and finding Faith’s waiting to be taken. Although awkward, she wanted it. It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it before. Suddenly Hope peels away from their kiss.
Massaging Faith’s knee, she rises to her feet and struts to the door, pausing briefly at the entrance.
“Oh, one other thing. Steer clear of the garden for a few days. They are spraying for pest and rodents. We wouldn’t want you falling ill from the poisons.”
“Yes Mother.”
The Cathedral was filled with people she had never seen before. Or maybe she had and had just been too busy to notice. A hand from the crowd waves her down to the front pew.
“Good Morning Sister Faith. We saved you a seat here with us.” Beth says, moving her bible.
But Faith can’t help but notice Jessy not looking up from her shoes.
“I’m glad to see you are feeling better today.” Faith says.
“She is still feeling a bit under the weather. But she made it to the first reading and that is what matters.”
“Who are all these people?” Faith asks.
“They are here for the Cardinal. Isn’t it exciting?” Beth says.
Sitting down, she glances over the room, finding the Father leering over at her from the back.
She quickly faces forward and begins to fidget nervously with her rosary around her neck. A hand falls on Faith’s shoulder and she lets out a gasp.
“May I join you?” Mother Hope asks.
“Of course, we would be delighted to have you.” Beth says.
Wedging herself between Faith and the sister, as if she was attempting to separate her from the other girls, Hope envelopes Faith’s hand inside hers until the last word of the service.
“Girls, can you see that everyone is ushered out promptly? The Holy pair wish not for company. And then see to the cleanup. Faith come with me. The Father would like to see us in his private quarters.” Mother says.
It was much darker than her cell. The lonely lamp in the corner barely lit a path to walk without bumping into furniture. But it had a cozy appeal that made her feel at home.
She carefully breaths in every detail she can see. From a worn, white button up shirt, that draped over the back of a wooden chair to the stacks of poetry books that occupied the matching table next to his bed.
“Sorry to have kept you both waiting. Hope, help Faith out of her dress please.” Mason orders, removing the white collar from around his neck and tossing it to the side.
“I don’t think I understand you Father.” Faith says.
“What is there to understand? Take off your habit and don’t make me have to ask you a third time.”
Suddenly the cool touch of Hope’s hand could be felt on the back of Faith’s neck as she flicks open the snaps of her smock. It sheds from her shoulders, falling lifeless around her ankles. Faith quickly crosses her arms to cover her breast. Hope then carefully removes Faith’s veil, leaving her completely naked and vulnerable.
A menacing grin forms over Mason’s lips. Taking calculated predator steps towards her, as to stalk her like a lion would hunt a Gazelle until he is at a safe pouncing distance. Gently reaching out and taking her by the wrist, he tucks them down by her side.
“From the day you arrived I have prayed. I have prayed for God to reveal his plan for you. Finally, he has spoken. He delivered the answer I’ve been waiting for.
Mother Hope has been called on to serve under the Vatican directly. She will be taking the position at the end of the year and has chosen you to proceed her in her departure.” He says, cutting his attention from Faith to Hope, who is grasping a white habit in her clutches.
Taking it from her hands, he steps in closer, closing the small gap between him and Faith. His eyes drifting over her, cataloguing her unclothed curves and dips until arriving back to her pacing green orbs, that watch his every move delicately. He places the mouth of the frock over Faith’s head until it devours over her flawless skin.
“Today you have been reassigned and will accept purpose of Mother. It’s an honor to not be taken lightly. I don’t think you have earned it, but with time being of the essence, who am I to question God? Your past actions have been forgiven and the slate is now clean. You will be expected to do as she does. You will be held at a higher standard and I will not accept anything less.
I will review your growth and decide when you are ready for the next phase. You belong to her now as if you were her shadow.” Mason says, showing the Faith and Hope to the door.
Faith gazes out from her bedroom window as the last orange leaf is robbed from its limb. The wind of Fall is like a thief carelessly sweeping through the trees in the forest, leaving nothing behind to be salvaged.
It was hard to believe that three months had come and gone. Picked up and whisked away like the lifeless yellowing blades of grass. But she herself stays, helping harvest the other girls for their purpose. Even though she was not quite sure what t
heir purpose was, she couldn’t be bothered with that now. She just looks outside and thinks about Emily and wonders how she was doing now.
Did she finally find what she was searching for? Faith desperately hoped so.
She is soon distracted and unable to dedicate much thought to Emily on the account of Jessy regularly finding her way into Faith’s head. She hadn’t spoken about the events of that night or even a single word since the visit. She was often troubled by this but not even that could take her mind off today. It was an important day. Her first review in front of the Father. Not that it was the reason for the butterflies swarming around in her stomach. She was anxious to see Mason.
She had almost become nonexistent when he seemed to have just pass her off to Mother Hope.
She had even seen her way past the filthy fact that he was still calling on Beth to fulfill his dirty little longings. She was mature now. The passing months had transformed her into a woman and she no longer desired to be another notch in Masons headboard.
“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Let’s get a move on, he is waiting to see you.” Hope says, waiting for Faith to join her side.
“Wish me luck.” Faith says, knocking on the door.
“You don’t need luck. You have a higher power with you. Now get in there and make me proud.” Hope says, slapping Faith on the bottom.”
“I almost gave up on you. Mother Hope tells me you are coming into your new role as if it was fit for you to wear. What do you think?”
“I couldn’t be more pleased and blessed for the opportunity I have been given. Mother has been an inspiration and someone I admire a great deal. We spend a lot of time together. Memorizing scripture and prayer. She even let me lead the women’s devotional this past Sunday. I continue to learn from her and look forward to inheriting all that she knows.”
“I am glad to hear it. However, I do hope you are not learning any of the Mother’s bad habits as well. God knows she is far from perfect.”
“Oh no Father. She takes her time in her teachings with me.”