Evil Mister Good Read online

Page 3

  “That bad?” Faith asks.

  With almost a childlike giggle Emily mutters.

  “No. That good.”

  Leaving Faith to her own imagination Emily quickly disappears into the foliage.

  Even though she had spoken only in code, it made Faith that more anxious. Before she knew it, the night had replaced the day and she still hadn’t been called upon. Frustrated, her arms are tucked tightly beneath her head once more and she’s left wondering.

  “How could she have been forgotten?”

  Then coming from above her a familiar brittle voice,

  “Move over.” Emily says, crawling under the sheet next to Faith.

  “Have you lost your mind? We could get into trouble if we’re caught.”

  Running her fingers through Faith’s hair she asks,

  “Who’s going to tell?”

  Faith looks to the open door and then back to Emily.

  “Fine but we have to keep it down. I don’t want Mother Hope to hear us.”

  “Do you really want to know what he’s like?” She says biting her bottom lip.

  Her eyes growing wider, Faith can’t resist.

  “Yes, very much so.”

  Without notice Emily inches in closer.

  “Shut your eyes.” She softly demands.

  Unsure at first, Faith does as Emily’s asks her. She suddenly feels short breaths mounting heavier and heavier onto her face. Almost suffocating her. She lays still before Emily’s tongue lightly traces over the outline around her mouth.

  Faith attempts to pull away but Emily’s hand clenches onto the back of her head

  “SHH” Emily whispers, pulling Faith firm against her lips. Her tongue intertwining with Emily’s like silk thread being woven together.

  She can no longer fight the temptation. The rush of adrenaline and passion are too much to repel. She is quickly at the hand of Emily’s mercy. Emily glides her fingertips gingerly along Faith’s goose bump riddled leg and up to her trembling thigh. She swiftly melts away underneath Emily’s warm touch. Spreading her knees apart, she invites her to roam even further. Emily doesn’t hesitate to baptize her fingers inside Faith’s rising ravine, pausing to splash inside the forming puddle like a child playing in the rain.

  But amidst the arousing storm, an unexplainable feeling comes over her.

  Breaking the seal of their kiss, Faith looks towards the door. She notices the Fathers slender figure standing inside the entryway. She can feel him watching and wanting her from the shadows. Locking her eyes on him she imagines that it’s his tongue that is slithering along her pelvis. Sliding her hand inside her gown, she rubs the soft pink tips of her hard nipples. Gently clamping each one between her fingertips before cupping her firm pear-shaped breast into her palm.

  Taking her free hand, she rushes Emily’s head between her legs, grinding her pussy aggressively against her saliva drizzled lips.

  She desperately yearns for him to touch her. To have his beard scratching against the insides of her thighs. Feeling his lips sucking on her sensitive clit.

  “Please put it inside me.” She begs.

  Gripping the fitted sheet, she dances on the edge of Emily’s tongue like a puppet dangling hopelessly from a string.

  Clenching her eyes shut she welcomes the cringing urge to erupt inside. Throwing her head back, a gasping groan flees her dry mouth. A pleasing smile soon peers from behind her messy blond strands.

  She instantly searches for approval from the now vacant doorway. Emily bids a gentle kiss before returning to her bed.

  She embraces the pulsing sensation that lingers between her legs. But a part of her feels so dirty and even betrayed. She just wishes for once the voices in her head would be quiet. And if they won’t, then she will just have to smother them until they are silent. She folds a pillow tightly over her ears, but it’s no use. Slipping out of the covers she tiptoes to the doorway and looks back at Emily’s bed. Then out into the hall.

  Peeking from around the corner she makes sure the coast is clear before taking another step. Her heart begins to pound like thunder. But persistent to venture out, she uses her fingers to clothespin close the bottom of her nightgown. Where should she go once she was free? She didn’t know the grounds well enough to have an idea. Suddenly Faith notices an orange glow coming from the end of the foyer. Sliding along the wall, she inches her way closer and closer until reaching the light of the chapel. Staying just outside of sight, she can hear the Father praying.

  Her eye finds a sliver of crack between the door and door frame. Putting one hand over her mouth she muffles her nervous panting and eagerly observes what he is doing. Unbuttoning his shirt, he flaps it open. Laying his collar carefully onto the alter, he dips his fingers into a bowl of blessed water. Pleading for forgiveness, he wets a cross onto his bare chiseled chest.

  Faith presses her face deeper into the corner, causing the wood to give off a subtle creak. He rushes up to his feet and sternly asks.

  “Who’s there?”

  Holding her breath, the Father soon returns his attention back to God. Then unlatching the clasp of his slacks, he slides them down past his ankles and over his shoes. Bathing his cock within the holy water, he begins to stroke it until it becomes hard and long. His grip barely able to cup all of it. Faith grows envious looking at her small palms. She becomes jealous that it wasn’t her hands wrapped around him. Pleasing him. She would gladly feed his desire if he would just let her. Suddenly a cold hand slips over Faith’s mouth and she is whisked away from her post.

  The friendly voice whispers, “SHH! Before you get us both in trouble.”

  Faith spins around to see Emily standing behind her. Grabbing her chest, she’s barely able to speak.

  “Shit. You almost gave me a heart attack.” she gasped.

  “Better me than Hope. Let’s get out of here before were not so lucky.”

  Returning back to her room, Faith lays back in bed. A devilish grin forms over her lips. She will not be forgotten again she thinks to herself.

  Taking her hand, Faith smooths away a wrinkle from her smock.

  “Perfect.” She thinks to herself.

  “You are so beautiful.” Emily says.

  Faith soon finds Emily peeking over her shoulder in the small mirror. Noticing her eyes quickly cut to the doorway, Faith turns to see what has caught Emily’s interest. There at the entrance of their room Hope stands with her arms folded.

  “Good morning Mother.” Faith says.

  “Did I startle you?” Hope asks.

  “You did. I hadn’t noticed you standing there Mother.” Faith replies.

  “I do apologize for barging in this morning, however, the Father would like to begin with you today.” Hope says holding out her hand.

  Faith takes a deep breath and reaches out for Hope, glancing back to Emily before she is rushed along.

  Faith sprints to keep up. She tries to pace her steps but she can feel Hope tightening the slack between them when she falls behind. Once Faith is delivered to the Fathers door, Hope shovels her in, closing the door behind her. Leaving her locked inside with him all alone.

  Swiveling his chair around, his eyes greet Faith’s. She begins to nervously twirl her fingers around a piece of string hanging from her garment.

  “Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved.”

  “Do I scare you Faith?”

  Briefly shying away, she answers him.

  “No. Quite the opposite. I find you to be intriguing.”

  “Is that why you ignored curfew? So you could spy on me because I peeked your interest?”

  Not cowering down, she says. “I could ask you the same thing Father.”

  Rising up from his seat, he comes from around his desk. A slow sinister smirk forms across his lips.

  “Make a cross holding out your arms. Your palms up.” He commands.

  Faith obeys his wishes. Taking a stack of six hymnals from off his desk, he evenly places three on each o
f Faith’s palms. Stepping back a step, he looks over her carefully, as if he’s the one intrigued.

  “There. Now don’t move.”

  She does her best to balance the books, but it’s not easy.

  He slowly circles around Faith until resting just in front of her once more.

  “Your body is a vessel for God. To do Gods work. It is not meant to be fondled by your fingers or that of your sisters’ tongue. Do I make myself clear?

  Faith quickly nods.

  “Good. You know Faith, we are not so different, you and I. We serve the same purpose. We just have different roles to play. For instance, I am the shepherd and you are the sheep. I feed and water you and you nourish the world. I took an oath to tend to you along with the rest of the herd.

  To carefully cater to your needs as well as your want’s. Even those that are curious to explore their desires.

  Just as the whores that washed Jesus’s feet had done.” He says as he kneels down in front of Faith.

  Starting at her ankles, he strolls his hands up the outer sides of her calves. Her upper lip quivers as his masculine hands creep past her knees and up the inside of her dress, landing on her hips.

  Bearing down his grip into her plump handles, she tenses under his firm kneading caress. She secretly curses the heavy books that have forbidden her from running her fingers through his dark hair. Retracing the exact same path, he doesn’t dare detour off course.

  Faith doesn’t want him to stop. She wants him to venture from his designed trail. Let his hands pasture over where they pleased.

  Coming to his feet, he adjusts his collar. One by one he removes the hymnals.

  “You are not like the others. There’s something special about you. Starting now, you are fasting. Not even a cracker crumb shall pass over your lips until I say otherwise. Is that understood?”

  “Yes Father.”

  “Show yourself out.”

  Once safely out of sight, she lets her frustration boil over. She had given herself to him. To do with her as he pleased. And he passed over her like she was day old stale bread.

  Poking her hips, she was no bigger than the other girls. Why did he not have his way with her? Had she disgusted him?

  She hears Hope calling out to her.

  Quickly, she wipes away the water that has begun to overflow and run down her cheeks.

  She attempts pull herself together, she can’t let the others see her this way.

  Forcing on a fake smile, she follows Hope’s voice. “Here I am.” Faith says.

  “We have a guest coming tomorrow and lots of work to do today and so little time.”

  Faith joins the other girls in the apple orchard. She is quickly met with bitter glares, all except for the friendly grin of Emily, who waves her over.

  “So? Was Father Good everything you imagined he would be?” Emily asks, shining up an apple on the hem of her apron.

  “I will not indulge that evil man the satisfaction of giving him one more minute of my thoughts.” Faith says, angrily plucking the poms from the tree limbs.

  “What happened? Did he touch you? You know, inappropriately? Come on! I need all the nasty details.” Emily says with a vile smirk, while raising her eyebrows in suspense.

  The other girls’ inch in closer.

  “I wish not to discuss it any further. Would you like God to strike us down where we stand? Besides, these apples will not pick themselves.”

  Jessy looks around before leaning in. With a heavy New York accent that matches her naturally tanned complexion she confesses.

  “The Father touched me. But it’s not like I didn’t want him to. I even begged for it. I let him consume me whole, as if I was nothing more than a piece of fresh fruit.” Jessy says.

  Looking around, she cautiously lifts the corner of her tunic. There, the Fathers teeth had left a perfect purple circle engraved in the center of Jessy’s golden toned buttock. It was as if she was proud to bare his mark and couldn’t wait to show it off.

  Beth couldn’t contain herself any longer.

  Inviting herself to join in the sharing, she slides the tip of her fingers over her lips.

  “I can still taste him staining my tongue like honey. I find myself hungry for more.”

  Faith grows even more enraged with envy. Her shallow smile quickly disappears.

  “You are nothing but toys for him to play with. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I am done with this foolishness. Get back to work.” She insists, turning back to picking apples.

  “I don’t mind being a toy. At least I get played with.” Jessy childishly giggles.

  As much as it angers Faith, Jessy was right.

  They all had been given special attention, all but her.

  Clapping her hands together, Hope demands silence.

  “If you worked as hard as you do gossip, there would be no apples left on these trees. Leave the gibberish to the children. For your sakes I do hope there is enough for pies. Clean yourselves up for lunch, and don’t forget to cleanse your minds as well.”

  Faith along with the others had barely slept a wink last night. The excitement of guest coming today was just too important to be bothered with something as petty as sleep. Beating the morning bell to the toll, the ladies wait impatiently outside their rooms for inspection. The distinctive fast paced clicks of the mother’s heels meeting the floor brings them to a military like attention.

  Hope is greeted. “Good Morning Mother.”

  “Perfect. I trust by your bright-eyed bushy tailed greeting that we are ready for our visit. We are blessed to have been chosen to house the Cardinal Vicar along with the Moderator of the Curia during their stay here in the states.

  Why have they chosen The Final Cross you ask?

  Because as they do value their privacy, they desire for your fellowship more. You will be on your absolute best behavior. You will only speak when spoken to. Whatever our guest wishes for we will grant without question. Do I make myself clear?’

  Hope hesitates and the girls quickly nod.

  “Good. If you have ever questioned your purpose, then search for it no further. Opportunities will present themselves along your journey. The women that have come here and followed our traditions are first choices to serve under the high priest and so forth. With that said, let’s get out there and turn on the charm.” Hope says, giving Faith a firm slap on her rear end.

  Skipping breakfast as the Father ordered didn’t save Faith from having to prepare it, nor the dirty crockery afterwards.

  Hurrying through the morning chores, the girls gather at the large entrance door. Eagerly opening it enough to peek through, as if the anticipation of waiting for the Holinesses arrival had put a spell on them all.

  Faith’s elation is soon over shadowed. Quickly she places her hands over her stomach to hush its growing growl before anyone else could notice.

  Suddenly her attention is drawn to the unexpected presence of the good Father. One by one he greets the women, but Faith finds her eyes are too heavy with humiliation to even look at him.

  Taking her chin between the web of his finger and thumb, he lifts her eyes up to his.

  His dark stare speaks to her without having to use any words. It demanded for Faith to show him respect and to do so promptly.

  Abruptly Jessy’s squeals of enthusiasm cuts the tension.

  “They’re here!”

  “So it begins.” He says, prying his glare and grasp loose from Faith.

  Mimicking the Mother, Faith and the others follows Hope’s lead. Bowing and holding the slouched position until the men enter the sanctuary.

  She can’t see them but can smell the rich scent of their cologne and see her refection in their polished shoes.

  “Please rise, don’t do that on this occasion.” An Italian voice pleaded.

  They didn’t look anything like she had imagined at all. The two silver haired men in dark blue suits appeared more like that of businessmen than priest.

  Cardinal Angel
o reaches out to shake the father’s hand, offering him praise. Using his first name, as they have known each other for ages.

  “Good to see you Mason. The temple is just as beautiful as I remember.”

  Cardinal Angelo says, turning his attention over to the curious women’s direction.

  Faith can suddenly feel the men’s eyes begin to scroll over her and the other girls. As if they were the dessert and not the apple pies.

  Moderator Carmine reaches out taking Faith’s petite hand into his.

  “Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat enriched by lilies.” He says quoting the book of songs.

  Distracting the Holy One from Faith, Father Good clears his throat.


  Using his head, he subtly detours the Priest to Emily who is standing next to Faith.

  After a close inspection he looks back to Father Good with a devilish sneer as if he approved. Somehow secretly staking his claim to Emily in code.

  However, the Cardinal seems to take his time. Careful to not choose too hastily from the remaining two girls. It was soon clear he was quite fond of an unwary Jessy.

  Mason speaks up. “Mother Hope will show you gentlemen to your rooms and go over your itineraries for the day. Jessy and Emily, get their belongings from the van. Beth, you are excused. Make use of your free time, it doesn’t happen often. Well don’t just stand there, go now.”

  Getting nose to nose in Faith’s face, he takes a wild blond strand from her cheek and tucks it behind her ear.

  “As for you, I will not be tested. I will not be disrespected, is that understood?”

  Faith had never been talked down to before. The vibration in his stern tone made her wet.

  “Is that understood, yes or no?” He asks again.

  “Yes Father.”

  “You want to act like a child, I will treat you as one. You will spend the rest of the day in your room. Now get out of my sight.”

  Faith returns to her room as she was directed to do. Standing directly in front of the mirror of the small vanity, she can’t help but repeat his name over and over in her head. Until it easily flows from her mouth. Her lips forming around every letter.