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- Anthony R. Vidal
Evil Mister Good Page 2
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I do apologize to have kept you waiting. I know you all have questions. I assure you they shall be addressed accordingly. First things first. Do not be frightened. This is a sanctuary of love. The holy church of sisterhood. You can refer to it as your new home.
Even though your stay here at The Final Cross is temporary, over the next year you will learn to serve the higher purpose.
Feed the Lords unquenchable appetite for lost souls.
To be His word in the living flesh. You will honor your oath.
“Ye are the branches. I am the vine. Apart from me, you can do nothing. But with me, you can prosper much fruit.”
So it is written.
You will be paired into twos. You will become each other’s shadows.
You will learn together. Eat together. Sleep together. You will learn what sisterhood means.”
Covertly grazing her palm over her right buttock to soothe the stinging print of the Fathers heavy hand, sneering to herself, she continues forward.
“Where are my manners. I am Mother Hope.
I am here to guide you along your chosen route. I have made a promise to deliver you safely to the end of your long and rewarding journey. You will play together nicely. You are now and forever your sister’s keeper from this moment on. Let me be the first to congratulate you on graduating from adolescence. Today you are women. I know how overwhelming this all may be, but we have a lot to cover so do try to keep up. Now, lock fingers with the person closest to you and follow me.”
A hand reaches out to find Faith’s clammy grasp. She can’t be bothered with who may be attached to the other end.
Doing as they are told, they follow the sister down the deep narrow hallway. Every step echoing behind them as if they are being chased after.
Nothing can detour Faith’s attention from Hope’s curved outlines. Her eyes seem to fondle around loosely over every inch of Hope’s body, careful to not miss one little detail. Hope is not what she was used to. The dark colored smock barely covers her long, smooth, slender legs. Her black charcoal hair didn’t belong under any veil.
Faith’s curiosity is quickly called to the tight murky garment resting at the dimples in her lower back. One foot in front of the other, she had a certain grace about her simmering strut. Hope wasn’t like the others. Faith could identify with Hope. She was enormously intrigued with the sexual sass that emitted from the Mother.
Abruptly halting in front of the first door to her left, Hope briefly glances down to the paper and then back up to the ladies.
“Jessy and Beth, step forward please. Come now, we don’t have all day.”
As instructed the two girls stand before Hope.
“Well aren’t you two just precious.
The rest of you listen up. I will not be repeating myself. This is your living cell. You are not children. Cleanliness is close to Godliness. So, I do suggest you keep that in mind. Your beds are to be made when you are not in them. There is no excuse for sloppiness. You will find two fresh clean wimples, cowls, tunics and habits awaits you inside your quarters. As well as day slips for your feet. You will also find we have prepared a welcome bag that contains the basics. One hairbrush. One toothbrush. One toothpaste. One deodorant. Here, stench is a sin. So don’t do it. Along with this, some important lady essentials. These bags will be picked up at the end of every month and restocked from the commissary.” Pointing to the dorm across the hall, she refers back to her sheet.
“Faith and Emily in here. You have fifteen minutes to prepare yourselves.
Your night gowns are to be placed neatly and folded outside your rooms when you are finished changing. They will be thoroughly cleaned and returned to your possession good as new. Does anyone have questions?
Hesitant at first, Faith begins to break her silence, but not before the Mother steps in.
“Good. I’ll see you soon. Refrain from chit chat girls. We have a very tight schedule to keep.
Faith tugs and pulls at the ends of her new frock. It was much shorter than what she wore before, cutting off just above the knee and tighter too. There seems to be a mistake. She could barely take a breath inside the tense tunic. She was not the only one. The others were frustratingly fidgeting to fit into theirs as well. However, it didn’t lessen the touchy feely grasp of the snug dress. It just made it inch further inside every forbidden crevasse. Not to mention they had not included panties. Even dressed she still felt naked without them.
Hope couldn’t contain her pleasing grin any longer.
“Just look at you. Organized and fresh. All grown up.
“I said I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruits. May your breast be like clusters of grapes on the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples and your mouth like the best of wine.”
Just beautiful. Now don’t worry, it takes time to get use to them but you will adjust. Come now. Gods miracles are miraculous, but your tummies will not feed themselves.”
Even though Faith’s stomach was eating itself, she did not dare eat the porridge.
Mainly because she feared the embarrassment of splitting the restricted skirt down its seams.
Not that she could have taken any pleasure in the runny oatmeal with Hope rushing them right through breakfast and all.
“Come along. We must not keep Father Good waiting.”
Leading the girls down the winding halls like shackled convicts, Faith falls behind. She can’t help but find some comfort in the portraits of Sisters that lined the stone walls.
They didn’t look much different from her. Had she been wrong? Had she just been too stubborn to realize her purpose?
“Stay together.” Hope demands, pausing to wait for Faith to catch up to the rest of the group.
The chapel was as beautiful as a painting.
The two rows of hand-crafted wooden pews were swallowed whole by the large dim room.
Overshadowed only by the sunlight breaking through each brightly colored stained-glassed window. They screamed to be admired. Offering a message to anyone who would listen. Etched in them, stories of God’s grace and forgiveness. And his wrath. His lack of tolerance and patience for disobedience.
The flickering light of candles being lit, lures the young women’s attentions like moths to a flame.
Faith suddenly feels Hope’s warm palm in the center of her back, before bluntly encouraging her forward along with the others.
A gentle but firm raspy voice peers out from the shade of the pulpit.
“May your fountains be blessed, And may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer -may she satisfy you always, may you always be intoxicated with her love. Proverbs.”
She can feel his words crawling deep inside her. Igniting a fire as if she were the candle and he was the match.
Merging out from the shimmering glow, Faith can’t help but absorb all of him. Stealing glances as if she was cemented to his rugged appearance.
His coal-black hair carefully combed to the back, as if not one single strand dared stray from out of place. His strong jaw line teasing to peek from behind some dark stubble that even filled the small indentation in his chin.
She couldn’t resist the urge to let her eyes explore the rest of him.
The bleached white collar against his fair skin tenses around his throat like the merciful grip of a hand. Arousing the long throbbing vein within his neck.
His black pressed shirt poorly attempting to hide his chiseled chest and arms.
Clearing his throat, his thin lips peel apart to speak.
“Kneel before the alter of our Lord, our Savior thy God and let’s share his body as one.”
Doing as they are told, Father hands the tray of stale bread and wine to Sister Hope and begins.
“To all who live in the truths of the faith give grace, most tender God, that they may lead upright and holy lives, never departing from Thy teaching.
To those who as yet have not found faith in Thou, grant that before they quit thi
s life. That they may believe and know the love of Thy Holy Name.
Then, having known it, may they keep it firm and inviolate.
Let the sacrifice of Thy body and blood win pardon of the sins for the living and the dead. Amen. “
Taking a crumb from the tarnished silver dish he begins with Emily. Then working his way down until resting just in front of Faith.
“Lay out your tongue.” He commands.
Rolling up her eyes to meet the warm, welcoming greeting of his piercing stare, she opens her mouth. Gently he places the offering onto the tip of her waiting tongue. His thumb slithers back and forth once over her plump dry lips, as if to wipe his finger clean. His touch unleashes a flood between Faith’s thighs.
His crooked grin was like he knew what he had done. Turning to Hope he says, “Let them have the day. We will pick up where we left off tomorrow.”
“Are you asleep?”
Emily whispers to Faith.
“No. I can’t.”
“Me neither. But I’m so tired.”
Faith rolls over onto her side and engages the conversation further.
“What is it you’re thinking about right this very second?”
“There’s so much. I can’t sort through it fast enough to make any sense. Like I’m thinking in a different language or something. Does that ever happen to you?”
“It seems like a bad dream. Like this really can’t be happening. You know? I was in my own bed one minute and now I’m here in a strange bed.”
“I know exactly what you mean. I just started getting use to the home I was at before. Then, plucked like an egg from a hen, I was packed into a carton and shipped off to God only knows where.”
“God forgive me for saying so but I don’t like her.”
“Who? Mother Hope? She is harmless but does have a way of leaving a sour taste.”
“But Father Good on the other hand, I wouldn’t mind inventing a few more new sins, if you know what I mean. Where I’m from men weren’t allowed to serve with women. It was forbidden.”
Faith knew way too well what Emily meant. The Father had a way of fondling her with just his eyes. Leaving her craving for more. She is reminded of Songs of Songs.
“Awake north wind and come south wind. Blow on my garden, that the sweet aroma may spread everywhere. Let my beloved come into his garden and taste the choice fruits that are his.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah I just got lost in my own thoughts for a minute.”
“We better try to get some rest. I’m certain our plates will be full tomorrow.”
The ring of the morning bell tolls shutters Faith awake.
Wiping the crust from the corner of her eyes, she can hear Hope’s steps approaching to collect them for their day.
“Up and dressed ladies. A good servant is a punctual one.”
Gathering them outside their rooms, she inspects each one of them for flaws.
“These are the rules. It’s important to remember them. So, repeat after me.
I will not blemish or bring shame to my sisters.
I will lead by example of God’s word and not by my own.
I will do as I am asked without question.
It is my duty to help with the upkeep of this sanctuary.
Going forward there will not be any closed or locked doors. Also there are three levels to the sanctuary, you will not leave the bottom floor. Thirdly, you are the only ones here beside myself and Father Good so we expect to treat it like it’s yours.
Everyone understand? Good.
Each day will start with a devotional. Then you will work together to prepare your meals throughout the day. In between you will lead your walk with God. We do not shop outside for what the Lord has provided. So, you will also manage the garden and harvest from the fields two hours daily except for Sundays. This is not a punishment, this is a gift.
You each must attend one on one sessions with Father Good.
Now with that all out of the way, individually you will be called away from devotional for confession. Do be prompt when summoned for he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.
Beth you will go first. The rest of you carry on.”
Running her finger along the booths wooden surface, she looks around the small cedar box. Anxiously fidgeting along the soft lumbered bench. It’s as if the bottoms of many sinners have rubbed its texture smooth. Its closed in dark quarters puts to mind that of a coffin.
The walls seem to close in around her, burying her alive. Suddenly her breaths grow shallow and shallower. It quickly grows harder and harder for Bethany to breathe inside the tiny cabinet. Until the small door slides open and the shadow outline of the Father’s face fills in its hole.
“Do you always nibble on your rosary when you’re nervous?” A raspy voice queried from the other side.
Quickly removing it from her mouth, she wipes it off on the edge of her cowl.
“It’s a nasty habit.”
“So I’ve been told. But for as long as I can remember, it’s always offered me comfort in stressful situations.”
“I was referring to showing others your weakness.”
“Oh well that…”
“No. You will not make excuses for your faults. You will seek them out and correct them. Is that understood Sister?”
“Yes, Father.”
Fondling the hem of her dress, she softly satisfies his question.
“Good. Now let’s continue. What do you need forgiveness for today my child?”
Beth finds her confession has wrapped its grip around her throat and is choking the very life from her. She couldn’t possibly share the impure thoughts that’s plagued her since arriving yesterday. Or could she? Clearing his throat, she can sense his patience is wearing thin.
Before she knows it, the words explode from her lips.
“Forgive me father for I have sinned. I’ve had improper thoughts about…you. No matter how hard I try I can’t control them.”
Racing her hands to her mouth to cage any further embarrassment from escaping, the Father leans in.
“Tell me more.” He whispers.
As if the stimulating aroma of the sisters raging, fiery red hair didn’t captivate his attention already, her admission just seems to fuel it even more.
Peeking deeper into the slight gap in the closets wall, his eyes graze over every perfect freckle. The fair skin of her face is nothing more than a canvas.
Beth becomes warm and tingly beneath his stare.
She had never been looked at in a way that swallowed her soul before. She allows herself to drift further away from the safe shore of salvation and deeper into the shark invested waters of his ocean blue eyes. She frantically attempts to swim back towards forgiveness, but her arms grow tired and she waits to be devoured.
“I need details Sister.”
She was taken by surprise how the words she couldn’t find before seemed to flow from her without any force.
“I imagined your hands touching me. Your lips pressing softly against my skin. Stamping every inch of my neck.”
Standing to his feet, Beth worries she has said too much. Why did she tell him the truth? She could have just easily made up something and dealt with God later. But she hadn’t. There was no turning back now. Has he left her to drown? It’s not long before she is answered. The distinctive unzipping sound of the father’s trousers comes from the small window.
“There’s no need to waste Gods time or mine with silly thoughts. However, if you don’t sin Sister, then Christ died for nothing, don’t you agree?”
“I don’t know what to say Father.”
“You’re learning already. Silence is always best.” He says untucking his cock from his slacks.
Beth tries to look away, but she is curious. In all of her 19 years she had never been with a man. Or seen a penis for that matter. Oddly, she’s not afraid of him. But she is afra
id of disappointing the Father.
Desperate to please him she naively asks,
“What do you want me to do?”
“I’m not going to force you to do anything. Do what comes natural.”
Hesitant at first, she reaches through the window and take’s him into her warm palm.
Then, wrapping her fingers tightly around his veiny pulsing staff, she delicately strokes it until the good Father is throbbing inside her gentle grip.
“Spit on it.” Father Good says.
Doing as she is told, she forms the drool at the end of her tongue, letting it freely drip onto the thick head of his cock.
Stretching his hand through the narrow opening, he puts two fingers at the back of her head and gives it a little nudge. Kneeling onto the cramped space between the bench and wall, she rubs the tip over her soft plump lips.
As her eyes look up from the floor, he gives her another nudge. Slipping him into her mouth, she heaves to take him all in.
“That’s it. Just like that. Don’t stop. Now take your other hand and rub your pussy until its wet. I want to see it.” He says.
Following his directions, she places her hand between her thighs and begins to massage her clit until her fingers are moist. Holding them up for the Father to see, he clutches the back of her head. Shoving her down further onto his shaft. The sudden taste of sweet nectar on her tongue is almost too much to swallow.
Taking his cock out of her mouth and tucking it back into his slacks, he says.
“We will work on it. But now you have something to ask pardon for tomorrow. Wipe me from your lips and send the next girl.”
Within the rose bushes of the garden, Faith’s eyes peek over the worn pages of her devotional. Curiously watching as each Sister returns from their confession. She can see Emily coming towards her. This is her chance to ambush her unsuspecting sister. Discreetly looking over each shoulder before reaching out and grabbing Emily’s sleeve.
“What’s he like?” She whispers
Swiveling her head side to side Emily leans down to Faith’s level.
“He was like the Devil knocking at my door. And before I knew it, he was inside.”